• chevron_rightHow do I register for the first time?
    If you are registering for the first time, sign into the website. (www.bocahighlandsocial.com) and on top right side it will give you an option to Login|Register. Now a series of questions will appear after you read the terms & condition of our website. After answering these questions, you will then be sent a password, that you can change later in the process. 
    If you wish selected information to be viewed, or not viewed, after you complete registration and receive your password, look at FAQ for How to change user name, password information and profile information for instructions.
    On a phone the Login|Register appears at the top of the page above the Boca Highland logo.
    Please note your email address will be your username.
  • chevron_rightHow do I change my username/password or profile information?
    After you sign in on a computer or tablet the Your Profile tab is on the upper right of the home page: (On your phone screen the Your Profile is at the top above the Boca Highland Beach & Marina logo).
    The options for changing your profile are listed in the middle of the screen.  Here you can:
    Change Username
    Change Password: Follow instructions and you will receive a link to change your password.
    Update Photo Albums: 
    Add Profile Photo
    Hide Selected Profile information (address, unit #, telephone #, etc.)
    Event Registrations
  • chevron_rightViewing information from a phone
    Positioning of items on a phone becomes condensed due to the size of screen.  To see the Home Page on a phone screen, go to the square block with 3 horizontal lines located on the right. Clicking this block will allow you to select one of the following pages. Home|Social Events|Reservations*|Members Directory|Classified Ads|FAQ.  
    Some of these categories also reappear in full view in feature boxes, or large icon displays when you scroll down the page on your phone screen, computer, or tablet.
    After selecting item to be viewed, you can always return to the Home page by scrolling up on your phone
    * This item has an arrow on right side that allows you to see a drop-down menu of other items
Feature Box-Large Box on Home Page
  • chevron_rightWhat are News Items ?
    News Articles are information or announcements from the Boca Highland social committee in an article format.  This is also available in a feature box when you are scrolling down on the home page.
  • chevron_rightWhat are Resident announcements?
    This feature allows residents to post announcements for 10 days.  For example, an Anniversary wish/Birth Day Greetings/something special happening outside the community such as a concert, play, educational event.
    To find Resident announcements on a computer, tablet or phone, scroll down the pages until you see the rectangular
    box marked Resident Announcements. Click box and read announcements or place your announcement.  All announcements will be approved as long as they meet common rules of decency and no inappropriate language, profanity, or personal attacks are posted.  
  • chevron_rightClassiified Ads-List Items for sale or lease
    Scroll down from the Home page on any device to a block that says-Classified Ads-Resident Items for Sale or Lease.
    Follow the instructions. Same process on your phone screen. Try to use suggested categories as it becomes easier for other community members to find what may be available. All classified ads will be approved as long as they meet common rules of decency and no inappropriate language, profanity, or personal attacks are posted.    
Login, Register, Passwords, Your information on website
  • chevron_rightHow do I find or change my password or username ?
    On a computer, tablet, or phone, log into www.bocahighlandsocial.com and you will see the homepage. In the upper right of home page select login. After you enter your email address in the box at bottom of the page, select forgot password.  You will now be emailed a link to set a new password.  Please remember username must be an email address.
    This is located on your phone screen at the top above the Boca Highland Beach Club & Marina logo

  • chevron_rightHow can I add a family member (user 2)?
    Login to the Boca Highland Beach Social Committee website (www.bocahighlandsocial.com). Navigate to Your Profile on the top right of your home page on a computer or tablet. On a mobile phone Your Profile is located at the center top above the Boca Highland logo. After selecting the Your Profile, scroll down the Your Profile drop down menu until you see add Level 2 Member.
    Level 2 Members are Family members.  They have all the rights of residents and will appear connected to the user who they are assigned to.
    Now click on view, and look under the photo of where members of the family can be viewed and selected.
  • chevron_rightHow do I delete my account or family member account(level 2)?
    In order to delete a member or a family member, you must make a request to an administrator.
  • chevron_rightWhy did someone in my household receive an email and log in information and I did not?
    We did not have authority to use your email in any of our databases, or you have never supplied an email.  If you have an email, click the register tab on the home page and fill out the requested information.  If you do not have an email, contact us using the Contact/FAQ tab on the Home Page.  You cannot use the same email as another resident.
    A more detailed description of our email policy can be read once you select the register tab.
    Please note that if you do not select yes to post your information on website, no information will be displayed.  This is not recommended as any informative emails on social events will not be received. Specific items can be allowed to be viewed/or restricted when you review your profile after registration.  
Member Directory contains -Name-Telephone #-Email Address-Community Name-Unit#
  • chevron_rightWhy is my contact information not seen in address book?
    When a beach club member registers, the profile which allows your information to be available to any other beach club member is automatcally set not to display.  To allow access to specific information, click on the profile option (upper right corner of display page on computer or tablet, on phone screen above logo. and now select from the options select Update Directory Preferences.  Now in the available options select the items you wish to share with other beach club members. You must check the profile box to yes to receive information from the social committee.
  • chevron_rightHow do I restrict information to be viewed by other residents in directory?
    After you sign in on a computer or tablet, there is a profile select tab on the upper right of the home page: (On your phone screen the Your Profile is at the above the Boca Highland beach logo).
    The options for changing your profile are listed in the middle of the screen.  Here you can:
    Change Username
    Change Password
    Update Photo Albums
    Add Your Profile Photo
    Update Profile: You can select which options you do not want viewed by other residents
    Update Directory Preferences
    View Transactions
    Event Registrations
  • chevron_rightHow do I find residents telephone # or Apt #?
    On the Home Page of a computer or tablet, click in the member directory (address book).   On a phone click the square with 3 horizontal lines.  A drop down will appear, and the third option is the Address Book. Note only members who have registered in the social committee website will be available in this member directory.
    To find someone in the address book, on the top row select the information you would like (name, Apt #.......), In the next block (on a phone, you may have to scroll to the right to see this block) you have options of how much information to select. (this does not have to be the complete name, only 4 characters are needed. For example, if you know the persons last name is Feldman, -Feld is all you need to put in the block.  Now enter the run filter option below the blocks and all the Feldman's in the building will appear listed below.
    This address book is also available if you scroll down to the feature blocks.
    All user 2 members (family members) are not listed in the address lookup but can be found using the beach club members (user 1) last name.   To find a family beach clubs member(user 2) first find the level 1 user by using their last name.  Then click on view, and look under the photo of the member (user 1) and all level 2 and 3 members can be seen.  Now select the family member and you will see their information.
  • chevron_rightHow do I find social committee members?
    To find someone on the social committee, on the top row select the information you would like (social committee). In the next block (on a phone, you may have to scroll to the right to see this block) you have options of how much information to select. (does not have to be the complete name, only 4 characters are needed. For example, to find Social Committee member type in comm.  Now enter the run filter option below the blocks and all the social committee for the beach club will appear listed below.
    If you wish to send an email, click on the individuals email address and you can send your email.
Photo albums-add images
  • chevron_rightHow do I add a picture to a photo album?
    Photo albums appear when you scroll down on the home page. 
    Select the album in which you wish to place the photo.
    You can add a picture that you have taken on your phone to the album. 
     calculated by adding the height and width pixel size. (1080 x1920 is 3000 pixeks).
    Follow instructions on the page and your images will be placed in the album you selected.
    Note: All images will be approved as long as they meet common rules of decency and no inappropriate language, profanity, or personal attacks are posted.  
Social Events
  • chevron_rightWhat Social Events are being planned?
    On the Home page of a computer or tablet, the Social Events is where you can see many of the social activities sponsored by the Boca Highland social committee. To see this information, press the down arrow. Any item that requires a reservation is listed on the home page under reservations.
    On a mobile phone, Social Events appear on a phone using the square with 3 lines. 
  • chevron_rightHow do I register for a social event ?
    Registering for an event is an automated means for residents to sign up for an event and for their reservations to be managed through the website. On the home page click on Reservations. Now you will see upcoming events for which reservations are required.  Once you register, you will be advised how to pay for the event if payment is necessary.  You will also be able to see other registrants for that event.